Are You A Royal Or A Rebel? Ever After High Quiz
It's your first day at a new school. What's your plan for starting this new chapter on the right slipper?
1. I'm going to smile, say hello to everyone, and hope they like me for me.
2. I don't have a plan. I'm just going to be myself.
3. I'm not worried about making a first impression. Everyone already knows me and my story.
4. I am going to talk to some new friends
The Royal Student Council is holding a bake sale to raise money. What will you do to help?
1. I'm organizing an evening of baking in the Castleteria kitchens, so everyone can contribute.
2. I haven't decided what to bake yet, but it's gonna be a new recipe that will flip everyone's crown.
2. I haven't decided what to bake yet, but it's gonna be a new recipe that will flip everyone's crown.
4. I definitely want to support this pet charity. Maybe I'll adopt a woodland creature.
Which charming nail polish color will you pick for your mani-curse-pedi-curse?
1. Royal red is my signature color.
2. Purple. It's wicked awesome.
3. I was practically born with a French mani-curse, so I'm sticking with tradition.
4. I'm going to try something new this time – like polka dots!
You wanna go to the concert tonight, although it's a school night. What are you gonna do?
1. I don't want to be a drama queen, but it's a school night, and I need to study.
2. Don't tell anyone, but I've been rehearsing to sing a song with the band tonight.
3. Go to the concert. You only live Once Upon a Time.
4. I planned ahead and did my thronework with my best friend forever, so I can go tonight.
You're having a sleepover party tonight for your best friends forever after. How will you spend the evening?
1. Watching a romantic comedy movie before getting a good night's sleep.
2. Playing Scrabble. I love making crazy combinations and rewriting stories on the fly.
3. Chatting about meeting our Prince Charmings.
4. Having a wonderlicious all-night dance-a-thon.
Your teacher scolded you for talking in class today. How did that make you feel?
1. Terrible. I apologized immediately. It's a total fairy-fail to interrupt class.
2. Whatever after! Sometimes it's okay to break the rules if you believe it's important.
3. Embarrassed. I'm not used to being reprimanded, especially in front of the whole class.
4. Annoyed. I had something important to tell my best friend forever after that just couldn't wait until after class.
What's your idea of a storybook-perfect afternoon?
1. Going for a mani-curse and pedi-curse at the Tower Salon and daydreaming about my Happily Ever After.
2. There's nothing better than hanging out with my best friend forever after for a spell.
3. A spellbinding picnic in the Enchanted Forest with my Prince Charming sounds fairy fun.
4. Why do I have to choose now? Free time to do whatever I want sounds wicked awesome.
Your school counselor asks if you've thought about getting a summer job. What type of job are you thinking about?
1. My parents run a shop in the Village of Book End, so I'd like to try working there.
2. I just be going shopping with my friends
3. I'd rather spend my summer with my best friends forever after. Maybe I'll get a job in the fall.
4. I'm open to anything. It's not forever after; it's just for a summer job.